Tuesday 6 November 2012

Incontinence Products for Men: How to Deal with Incontinence

Incontinence in men is a common but distressing condition. Men are more likely to suffer from incontinence as you get older, and many senior men have the condition. Incontinence can make everyday life difficult and cause embarrassment and distress. What can you do to treat incontinence? Is there any way you can deal with the symptoms of incontinence so you can lead a normal life? Here, we discuss a number of different treatments for incontinence. The medical treatment you use will depend on the severity of your incontinence symptoms, the type of incontinence you have, and the underlying medical condition that causes your incontinence. For example, a man’s incontinence may be caused by prostate problems. In this case, the doctor would treat the prostate condition before looking at whether additional treatment for incontinence is needed.

While you are investigating different forms of treatment, you will find a number of different incontinence products for men available at pharmacies or online, from companies such as OstoMART.These different incontinence products help make life easier for you and can assist in managing your symptoms so your incontinence is less noticeable and bothersome. It is worth looking at the range of products available, so they can enhance or replace your medical treatment for incontinence.


If you suffer from incontinence and it is not severe, your healthcare provider may suggest using these products as well as making some changes to your lifestyle. Lifestyle changes include looking at the amount of fluid you drink during the day. If you drink too much or too little, you can cause problems that result in incontinence. Caffeine is also a potential problem as it increases urine production. If you are overweight, your doctor may advise you to lose weight – losing weight is a positive step in treating and preventing incontinence in men.

In addition to lifestyle changes and products, you can try training your pelvic floor muscles so you can better handle the control of urine from your body. Pelvic floor muscles are the muscles that operate around the urethra and the bladder, and weak muscles can cause incontinence. If you have very weak pelvic floor muscles and you are unable to control them at all, you could benefit from electrical stimulation of the muscles which helps strengthen them, also known as biofeedback training. Bladder-training is also used to help the pelvic floor muscles. In bladder-training, you learn how to control the urge to visit the bathroom and hold urine for longer. A course of bladder training lasts a few weeks.

You may also be advised to take medication for your incontinence if you have been unable to find relief elsewhere. Medication is not without its downside because you may suffer from side effects like constipation, diarrhoea, mood changes, or dry mouth and eyes. In any case, discuss your needs and your condition with your doctor if you want to try medication to treat your condition. Medication may be ideal for some, but not for others. In many cases, you can make lifestyle changes and use products to make your life better while eliminating or minimizing the symptoms of incontinence.

If you are looking for incontinence products for men, visit OstoMART at http://www.ostomartstore.co.uk. Find a range of prescription offers with overnight delivery service.